
Tsk, tsk, tsk: The Adscam scandal

Normally, all this tiring hoopla wouldn't sweep me up, but there's an interesting tale and lesson about Canada's recently advertised public vices. The more we stress our virtues, it seems, the more our vices show.

Corruption has always been a part of Canada - Quebec has had its disproportionate fair share. Call it a character flaw.

The Gomery Commission is fast becoming THE inquiry of our times poised to expose Canada's rot once and for all. The sooner we do this, the quicker we can (I hope) emerge from our delusions and the faster we can actually fix and build a stronger Canada.

With Jean Brault taking the stand, much will be revealed. Not that it would matter to some Canadians as they would probably still vote the bums back in (Canadians have become way too indifferent to Canadian democratic principles. By packaging their political duty into a "nothing will change" attitude, Canadians, in effect, have abandoned their believe that they can be part of the democratic process), are banned from hearing his testimony.

Naturally, we have to get our freedom cues from American sources - American blogs that is. I still talk to people, if you can believe after all this, who continues to triumphantly bash the Yankees without blushing.

The lesson, and this is just an instinctive observation based on my studies and readings of Canadian affairs, is that Canada unwittingly, rhetorically and distastefully took advantage of 9/11 to glamourize its supposed better values. It was the perfect springboard to stroke our own fragile egos at the expense of a friend.

As for anti-Americanism. Here's a story I read in today's National Post. A goalie in Manitoba quit his hockey team because of death threats he received from a gang of bored boobs who smoked toxic wheat and took one too many high sticks to the head. The threat goes something along the lines of "you (expletive) American. Get out of here or we'll kill you."

You can dismiss this an isolated case and perhaps it is. You can also rationalize the behaviour by saying these kids have bigger issues than being anti-American. But what it does reveal is that anti-Americanism does have, however insignificant, a negative effect.

This is why, when you read things like this, people like Carolyn Parrish is irresponsible jack asses that should not be representing this country. It's not an exercise in freedom of speech but in stupidity. I'm sure the good people of Winnipeg will make this one right. I wishfully hope.

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