
The Truth about the Truth - Not Really.

There is something bizarre whenever I read or listen to people, talk (gibberish to others) about how their rights are being trampled upon. More bemusing (and perplexing) is how the rest of us, according to them, are too stupid to realize or question this.

They say critical thinking is dead. That tends to happen when people read the same circle of authors; read the same type of websites and so on.

These people are magicians and I want to go to the school they went to. Where can I sign up? All of them want the 'truth' to be known. The 'truth' about Iraq. The 'truth' about Dubya. The 'truth' about America. Michael Moore, I hear, has a bag of them.

Still, to others, Marx, Che Guevera and Fidel Castro represent the 'truth'. Realities of their obvious shortcomings notwithstanding. Hey, maybe Reagan was closer to it. Margaret Thatcher? Who knows? Who is closer to the truth? America or terrorists? They are the same will shout the post modern relativists. And what is the fine line between enlightened opinion and plain stupidity anyway? Anyone can offer an opinion. It doesn't make that opinion valid. There are, believe it or not, opinions that need to be ignored - it's called being opinionated.

There are too many examples of 'truths' that are not 'truths' at all but have become the prevailing view. There are many examples of this but let us focus on Iraq. People are convinced they were lied to. That America went into Iraq for oil and revenge. Of course, it's much, much more complex than this.

Either way, we can't expect people to consider the enormous amount of data and events that led to this decision. People are not historically inclined but rather snapshot inclined. They are blasted with so much information by an armada of people with their own interests it's almost impossible to make sense of the 'truth.' To disentangle it is long and arduous and to be frank many people who have an opinion have not.

The war in Iraq, are many things to many people. It can be whatever one wants it to be. If they want to believe it's the actions of a rogue nation all the while ignoring the potential benefits so be it. It's their right.

Many people who are out to sell the 'truth' think they are in the minority. They feel sorry for people that don't get the 'truth'. Poor souls. All are mysteriously censored - despite the convenient reality that we hear them all to often and loudly. Yet, when one reads their 'truth' it becomes apparent, ironically, how mainstream it really is.

Socrates, Dante and other great minds in history, grappled with what 'truth' is. Never did they arrive, not surprisingly, at a satisfactory conclusion or answer. However, they did treat the 'truth' with respect whenever they saw it. I'm not so sure we do today. Too many people have axes to grind to be sound and clear enough to see the 'truth'. Too many people select which causes they want to push for their version of the 'truth.' Too many eschew history to comprehend the 'truth'. They are more than happy to select bits and pieces of history to match contemporary sensibilities. Too many choose a point of origin that suits their version of perception to define the 'truth'.

Often, the truth stares right back at you. And that my friends is, well, the truth.

1 comment:

  1. "Too many people have axes to grind to be sound and clear enough to see the 'truth'."

    Too 'true', whether you're speaking of the left or the right.


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