
God Bless America and Canada

Saluting our nations and singing the anthems are lost arts. That art and science is in slow steady decline in the West is something to lament. Artisans are not part of our plans in the face of idiotic smart centers. This much I hold in sorrow. I am not a nationalist nor am I a patriot. Nor am I terribly religious as it does not play a major part in my life. However, I respect it enormously. It has, without doubt, a place in our public discourse.

What I am is a citizen in good standing blessed with a strong and honest conscience. A respect of history and the future. I am a person with values and personal morals. I choose to see the good will and the ideals of what we aspire to. I refute all false dissidents and cynical idols. Cynicism is the philosophical outhouse for the lazy. I refuse to acknowledge that fame and science lie in bed. That politics and celebrity now fornicate in the halls of government. I remain firmly unimpressed with modern academia.

I do not believe that America is evil. I believe that Canada is in dire need of a new direction but I do still believe in its existence. Above all, I am not afraid to use the word God. Let us free ourselves into the proper hands that can guide us. We have much work to do.

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