
Iced Cappuccino Mania

Last year I went to an underground e-zine/comic exposition held in a Church (everything takes place in a place of worship it seems in this city) here in Montreal. If there's one thing Montreal has it's a vibrant underground community. Not much at the corprorate level but where there's no cash we rule.

One table had a string of people with more holes than the New York Jets because of the body piercing. The tattoos alone would have made an aboriginal tribe from New Zealand proud. At that same table, a person was selling a low-budget manuscript titled, 'I Hate People Who Drink Lattes' or 'Fuck People who Drink Lattes.' I can't remember exactly what the title was. But I shall assume you get the picture.

Back to the book that looked like it was pasted together by a second grader. Aside from its coy title - cough - it did speak about the superficial coffee culture that exists here in North America. Believe me when I say we don't know what we're talking about when it comes to espresso - lattes are made with espresso not Folgers. We're so backwards it's embarrassing. Nevertheless, I doubt I would have agreed with the book. I know. Don't judge a book by its cover but she scared me. All I got for this post are my perceptions.

Whatever the content was, nothing perplexes me more than under-aged kids drinking iced-caps from a local dough-nut shop or café with their parents. They gulp this stuff down like it's water. Only it's not water - it's coffee. It has caffeine. It makes you jittery (though it heightens my creative juices). It's not the sort of drink a 14 year-old should be drinking. Then again, what's the difference if they go home and drink a litre of Coke? No, no. Coffee is worse. It's an adult drink. Right? Am I confused? Am I wrong to think this? Am I some neo-Calvinist?

In any event, if they want a real iced cappuccino head to any neighborhood Italian bar where they make an espresso and add ice to it. That's it. At least you get the real taste of espresso not hiding behind six packs of sugar.

It reminds me of a conversation I overheard in a sandwich joint a while ago. Some ham tell his friend he regretted taking his five year-old to see Austin Powers. "She didn't get it. It was too adult for her." Sigh.

Weird, these days aren't they?

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