
Are we attacking Christmas?

Sometime ago, in a not yet discovered not too distant galaxy, I asked if a liberal media bias existed. To some there is, to others there isn't. Part of why this may be so is because it is difficult to measure what constitutes overt liberal bias - or just plain bias.

It very much is a moving target trying to neatly define such things. For example, to liberal minded individuals I may come off as conservative or libertarian. To conservatives I may be liberal.

Liberals are convinced conservatives have the power. Conservatives charge the very opposite. How to bridge or explain this discrepancy? Indeed, if this is the case, can it be that the media is balanced?

All that being said, the reality is that people believe there is one. Or else why would there be so many organizations and "watch dogs" committed eradicating media bias? To say nothing of published books.

Which brings me to my next question: is there a "war" on Christmas and by extension "Christianity?" Again, this is similar to the media scenario. To some, banning public Christmas carrolls, changing Christmas lyrics, demanding Santa Claus switch to 'Ha, ha, ha," removing Christmas trees is clearly an indirect - if not direct - onslaught on the Christian heritage. To others, it's an over reaction and brings us truly to a more secular - and therefore respectful - society that keeps religion in the privacy of our homes. Heck, the whole exercise of Christmas and its massive spending spree that follows rub some people the wrong way.

Let me add a crinkle to this. Maybe taking the cross done from our classes is a good thing but has anyone notice the rise of neonationalism based along racial lines?

I'll leave it to my brighter commenting readers to derive sense out of this.

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