
Where Technology And Tradtionalism Meet: Has the Wall Between The Two Been Smashed Forever?

On April 1, the new law banning the use of cell phones while you drive was put into effect. And what have I observed so far?

Well, soon after, I spotted a "cell phone" trap set up by police officers who plucked out the chatting offenders. Of course, they did this during the morning rush hour.

Another thing I have noticed is that this law has led to a proliferation of "ear pieces." Each time I turn to my left or right someone has those things fitted to their ears. I keep thinking a Terminator is about to grab me from my car and ask if I'm "Sarah Connor."

Everyone seems to be wearing them now. Why it's beyond me. Are we all handling personal and sensitive information for the government? Or do we absolutely need to reach our better halves so that they go pick up some orange juice?

The technology is fabulous but I fear our ability to be human has taken another step back. It's amazing to think that people can't sit in a car for a certain amount of time without needing to speak on the phone. Why not listen to the radio or pop in that favorite CD of yours instead? Or how about just thinking? A moment to reflect should always be welcomed no?

As we drive around on our roads we look like indifferent Androids now. It's like a scene right out of fricken Blade Runner. If you let your imagination run wild for a few seconds. Oh yeah, can't do that. We're busy babbling on the phone.

If all this has proven to be almost absurd or comical, what I witnessed yesterday blew me away.

I saw a lady wearing an ear piece over her hijab. Welcome to modernity, Maude! Where traditional Muslim values clash with Western secular values and technology. Something tells me if the Taliban were driving around they'd scream in horror - among other vulgar and sinister things.

Last month I went to meet my closest friend for lunch. We have been friends since we were four years old but haven't had time to hook up as often in recent years. So when we meet we have much to discuss (and joke) about.

We met at a pizzeria each armed with a bottle of wine. He waltzed in with an ear contraption attached to his head looking like a Secret Service Agent. With our "date" in full launch, each time we'd get into a conversational flow, his phone would go off and he'd pick up that little remote to answer.

It kept breaking our rhythm. First his wife, then his boss, then his wife again then...whatever. You get the picture. It was irritating.

I did tell him to shut the bloody thing to no avail. He was smitten with technological love. Hearing his wife call for nonsense was too much to resist I suppose. Heaven forbid you eat your lunch in peace.

We ate, paid the bill and scampered off. No doubt he went back to his ear piece.

For my part, I wondered what happened to our ability as a civilization to hold a focused conversation.


  1. When I am so unfortunate to have to listen to one of these cyborgs as they speak to the voices in their ears, I rarely if ever overhear intelligent conversation. I am referring to adults, not teenagers.

  2. I know what you mean.


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