
Blog Link: Sarah Palin

I enjoyed this post about Sarah Palin from The Natural State Hawg.

It raises interesting points.

Personally, this whole politics IS taken way too seriously. That's why I enjoy going to Neil McKenty Weblog (Neil is kind and classy enough to tolerate some of my provocations) and taking part in political discussions. I don't agree with people and they don't agree with me but it's all civil and rarely goes overboard. It's so Canadian I guess. Besides, I get the feeling they're laughing at me.

It's a baby boomer political world anyway and none of these people speak my language. There's a suspicion that boomers are fighting an ideological between each other to see who gets all the cash and a generational war with Gen X and Baby Bust to have these young pups finance their pensions.

Come to think of it. I wonder if Palin and Obama - given their ages - are transitional political agents. We're getting closer and closer to having the boomers out of power.

I think the problem is less serious here in Canada but I suspect this applies?


  1. Thanks for the link. I do appreciate it.

    I, too, have been viewing McCain and Obama as transitional agents as the baby boomers give way to the Gen X crowd (yes, we're getting old enough to start burrowing our way into power, it seems). Should that prove to be the case, how sad would it be if the boomers went out with Bush as their legacy?

    I'm glad we both agree that people take politics far too seriously and personally. Ideological differences are healthy and we've seen what happens when one side ultimately "wins" and is running the show.

    Take care...

  2. No sweat.

    The question is can the "next" generation get the job done?


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