
CBC Loves Obama

If anyone ever doubted the CBC was a left-wing operation just go here. So nice to see Canadians partaking in creating "Obama's playlist."

Suuurrrreeee, the CBC will be real "impartial" when it comes to the President.

Ooo, ba-boy.


  1. Anonymous1/14/2009

    The media is a bastion of Liberalism...Is this news?

  2. Yet, to play devil's advocate, I've read just the opposite - that's it's conservative. Or at the very least, the "MSM" are shills for the government.

    What I find distasteful is that the CBC is a publicly funded corporation. Which means conservatives do pay for this. Sure, I'm sure most see this playlist as harmless (as I do) but it did make me wonder. If I was the producer I would have passed on it.

  3. Anonymous2/01/2009

    CBC radio is the broadcast wing of the U.S. Democratic Party. I love it: my tax dollars paying to get out the Democrat ex-pat vote in Canada.


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