
Question On The Environment

Who makes more sense on the environment: Al Gore or Vaclav Klaus?


  1. Paul Costopoulos5/03/2009

    Al Gore speaks out of a relatively rich country, Klaus is president of an EU wannabe struggling to get out of poverty. They start from the two opposite ends of the spectrum.

  2. Relatively? The richest country the world has ever known?

  3. Maybe they both come from different points but one can make more sense than the other.

  4. Paul Costopoulos5/03/2009

    Well if you insist, I'm with Gore.

  5. Oh Paul! Our streak of commonality has come to an end.

    I don't know who is "right" on these matters but I do know Gore doesn't pass my "bull shit" sniff test.

    But that's me.

  6. Paul Costopoulos5/04/2009

    Jean de Lafontaine a écrit: "Un jour, l'ennui nacquit de l'uniformité". Il y a place, cher Commentator, pour plus d'une opinion dans le monde. What matters is mutual respect. Not lacking here I'm sure.


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