
President Obama Health Care Speech; Is Alexander Hamilton The Winner?

Here's what factcheck.org uncovered about Obama's speech.

Of course, if you like Obama, he was brilliant. If you don't, you thought it was shallow. It was the same thing under George W. Bush.

I don't know why the President insists on bringing up the previous administration and radio personalities. That's just bad political form. The more he spoke, I sensed, the larger government got.

-The CBO has already called out the President's claim of "not one dime" would be added to the Federal deficit as being wrong. To borrow the words of his long-time, cantankerous friend of dubious distinction, the good Rev. Wright, "the government lies!"

Except when Obama does the 'splainin.' When the speech ended, I saw Obama say, "Put it all on red, 22." Now spin that roulette!

-Did anyone notice how he pits one side against another and then steps in claims "bipartisanship?" He sets it up in a way that presumes he's bipartisan but we already know what he wants. It's all predetermined. It reminds me of this.

Of course, this plays into the hands of those who believe communism or any other ideology (Muslim terrorists for example) aiming to destroy a particular country (in this case, the United States) does it from within. Planting razors within the stomach so to speak. Of course.

I never understood Hegel much, but I sorta grasp his dialectics. That's pretty much how I perceive things.

In any event, it'll be interesting to see how registered independents view all this post-speech.


About this Joe Wilson guy. Naturally some will say (conservatives) he was saying it like it is, but I don't think they were pleased when people on the left would defend Democrats hissing and booing during one of his speeches. Yes, that did happen and one would hope Democrats would keep this in mind. Distasteful is distasteful either side of the great political divide. No?

We keep hearing how "divisive" the United States political landscape is. Let's recall one thing. From the onset, America was a divided place. Americans distrusted government, which is why the Articles of Confederation were enacted - to convince them their freedoms would not be taken away.

No sooner had George Washington left office warning of giving into divisive bickering in his farewell address that would not serve in the best interest of the nation, did the famous battle between Alexander Hamilton (strong central government) and Thomas Jefferson (limited government) take place.

Question: Over the long run, did Alexander Hamilton's conception win out over Thomas Jefferson?

Or did Jefferson have the last laugh, since he felt a strong federal government would lead to a corrupt ruling class? To be fair, Hamilton advocated a strong central government but I don't think he envisioned anything like what we see today.

This is the best I got tonight. It may not be much but I call it home.


And they say the GOP is a mess? The Democrats seem to be already gearing up to sharpen the knives. Of course, this is not racially driven. Of course.

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