
My Day In Court

On trial for the murder of Rocket J. Squirrel, The Commentator faced a grueling set of questions from the District Attorney.

DA: Is it not true, Commentator, you held the knife in your hand just prior to Rocket J. Squirrel being gutted?

TC: That's preposterous!

*Slams fist in palm*

And is it also not true you wielded it before the little squirrel?

That's ridiculous.

*Pounds desk*

How much are you getting paid to take this hit for the real culprits Boris and Natasha?

That's crazy.

*Waves hand*

Do you own a blog, Mr. Commentator?

That's absurd.

*Looks down on ground*

Are you done answering in that matter? If not, we'll have to hold you in contempt.

That's insane.

*Wipes sweat from forehead*

Do you not read many, many publications and blogs?

That's nuts.

*Flips page in magazine*

And you stalk each and every one of them by leaving threatening and incoherent comments?

That's mental.

*Let the record show, The Commentator smirks*

Is your birth name Paulie Pete Pascalinette?

That's incorrect.


Are not, in fact, a hermaphrodite?

That's misleading.

*Shrugs shoulder*

Your wife seems to think so.

That's bull shit.

*Winks at her. Gestures a sexual advancement*

Judge: Court is in recession. It will reconvene tomorrow at 8am.

That's not good.


Judge: Good it is and you shall be present and on time. Do I make myself clear?



Stay tuned.

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