
Health Care Bill Passes And The Role Of Costs In A Compassionate Welfare State

Does anyone like this bill?

She lists more myths than Greek and Roman mythology combined!

Oh, but wait. They'll "learn" to like it. Poppycock logic.


There's another way to look at it. In the West, we've become a place where we seek happiness and to feel better about ourselves. Costs associated to these are irrelevant.

People want to believe they're taking care of one another. They would never pay from their own pockets to help a neighbor pay for some medical bills, but have the government do it and all of a sudden all is taken care of. Government rationing health doesn't sound as bad as insurance companies doing it.

As someone put it to me, "we need to stop looking at only the costs." Well, some people need to. If I followed in my sister's footsteps, I would never have amassed a savings nest because to me, it all comes down to affordability and availability. To the person who doesn't save, or doesn't know how, statism is an intoxicating option. To a guy like me, less so. I would argue we don't debate about costs, risks, rewards, financial viability of government projects etc. enough. We're vigilant against commerce, but not with the government. My sister talks about how Wal-Mart "squeezes" people but like any consumer, she's a price sensitive shopper; a price shopper who talks like a Marxist. No. The government doesn't squeeze people. Nah. The mere fact "eminent domain" is on the books means little.

But. We're being compassionate and there's not price tag to this! Perhaps. I can't deny there's some truth to this.

Nonetheless, to me, the government are enablers. They aren't saviours.

For example, here in Quebec. The provincial government takes out ads urging people to gamble "responsibly." Meanwhile, they litter the streets with ads for the Casino to which they own. It's like that duplicitous ad on The Simpsons: "Don't eat beef. Eat deer!"

Or take the recent news - hardly even mentioned in the press - how the SAAQ gave itself massive bonuses. This came after a huge increase in motorcycle licenses. When will we make this a major issue? People are up in arms when a CEO earns millions, but at least it's effen earned through sales. These boneheads steal it from people's pockets!

I know I'm breaking all kinds of critical thinking rules but there's something to be said about personal experiences and observations. I'm just arguing an angle I perceive to be not discussed enough.

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