
Arrgghh! The Process Matters!

I'm growing impatient with people who keep saying the process doesn't matter. Damn straight it does. If you don't follow a process you have no substance. Simple.

I was cooking the other day. Careful attention was made to ensure the integrity of the process for if I didn't do that my meal wouldn't taste the way it should. Could you imagine cooking while breaking the laws of gastronomy? What's a pinch of a salt? Nothing! But do it several times along the way and you got yourself an issue with drinking too much water later on.

Ever try and bake something while ignoring the process? Ga'head. Try.

So why should it be different in intellectual discourse, politics or making documentaries?

When I see someone bending the process out of shape it gives pause to raise my inner-skeptic.

It doesn't surprise me the process means little now. To be honest with it takes discipline and integrity. These days - these contemporary times - we live in are wrought and rot with shameless celebration of the weak mind.


Confirmation reached my niece and nephew yesterday. As I sat in Church, I tried to find a story to tell but couldn't find one - unless you want me to go dirty and talk about MILF's but I guess I shouldn't. The only quibble I had was listening to an Anglo butcher the names of Italian kids. You know, as my brother-in-law said, one would think, after 10 years of working in a school with three principle nationalities the person would take a moment to learn tn to pronounce a fricken name. People still act and talk as if Italian names are from Mars. A few years back, at a Bank banquet, another chick stared into her salad and wondered "what those green things were." My brother-in-law informed her it was arugala to which she smugly answered, "that's right, you people eat a lot of weird, bitter green things." Folks, it was 2003.

Italian names are the easiest to pronounce. The Italian language as a whole is damn easy. As its spelled you pronounce. It's vowel based. You just have to learn to speak with some panache and learn some basic rules but that's about it. It ain't French which is far more complicated - to me anyway.

Anyhow. What-evah. Let 'em eat cake. The other part that caught my ears was when the singers kicked into an acoustic version of Let it be by The Beatles. M'lord, I waited for Hey Jude where everyone would freak out at the end singing "naaaa-na-na-na-na-na-naaaa-na-na-na-na" but it was not to be. You know you've hit the big leagues when your music is played in a French-Canadian Roman Catholic Church.

I also thought about the battle between rational thought versus mythology. A war that's been battled in Western Culture since the Enlightenment. The period, basically, launched an attack on the notion of romantic mythology spread during the Renaissance. In any event, both are an integral part of our collective heritage. Why must it be a battle? I never chose sides. I think a balance of both is needed. I'm not interested in being like Spock. There has to be some Captain Kirk in us. Not that I watched Star Trek too much but I always found the collusion of both characters fascinating. Both would impress and grate me at the same time.

As many of you know, I dislike and distrust people who claim to be "progressives" and preservers of "rational" thought. Who died and left you captain of what is rational and not, eh?

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