
Poet Emperor Wu Ti

An ode to a concubine:

The sound of her silk skirt has stopped.
On the marble pavement dust grows.
Her empty room is cold and still.
Fallen leaves are piled against the doors.
How can I bring my aching heart to rest?

Nothing like finding poetic inspiration in a mistress. I wonder what Emperor Wu Ti of the Han Dynasty would  have written for his wife.

She would wu-tee me with a delicate pinch that would send my soul directly to the gods above. Confucious says, she's a keeper.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous4/23/2010

    "I wonder what Emperor Wu Ti of the Han Dynasty would have written for his wife?"

    The sound of her bitching and nagging has stopped.
    on the un-taken out trash the dust grows.
    Her iPod is off, the battery dead.
    Fallen underwear and socks are piled upon the floors.
    How can I bring my lazy ass to collect and toss the empty pizza boxes?


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