
Lies, Lies, Damn Lies!

Democrats believe lies too.

I get blitzed by - sites claiming to be neutral - how, well, retarded the GOP base is. It's rare, unless I hit conservative sites, you read about the lack of brightness among Democrats.

Stupidity doesn't register with any one party.

Same here in Canada. Harper is pure evil. Conservatives are mean. Whatever.

You want mean? Come meet my aunt. Now there's a piece of work.


  1. Yeah, Democrats seem stupid to Republicans because Democrats don't agree with Republican common sense (you have to give rich people more money if you want to help poor people, duh!). Republicans seem stupid because they have no idea what's going on in their state or how to speak.

  2. Man, you really see it that way?

    Rich v. poor crap?

  3. About that link, geez, this is what I'm trying to hammer home: One side is not better or worse than the other.

    You can't sit and tell me the Democrats aren't just as ridiculous. You can't.

    Seem thing up here.


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