
Death, Taxes And (Missed) Cost Estimates

At this point, such things should never surprise people anymore and cost estimates made by politcians are one of them.

My (financial analyst) friend said it best the day the PQ introduced subsidized daycare. "With low productivity, high unemployment, let's subsidize a whole new industry in a province predisposed to corruption. Sounds like a winner to me."

15 years on and seven dollar a day care is over strained.


The Superhospital is on its way! Let's build a bran new building even though the previous one we built is full of mistakes! This time...

The cycle seems predictable enough. Government says something will cost X amount. Half way in, overheads eat at margins and costs soar. 10 years after a panel of "experts" and academics revisit the errors and publish their "what went wrong" and "we must never do again" recommendations.

And then it starts all over again.

It's stale and boring at this point.

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