
Money For Nothing Banned In Canada

Eat shit Canadian Broadcasts Standards Council.

No seriously. Eat it.

Banning Dire Straits Money for Nothing? Effen 25 years later? Are these paternalistic, unelected people grossly insipid or what?

You know, we keep talking out of our asses about freedom and democracy in Canada - yet, certain elements in our bureaucratic culture is anything but.

I didn't vote for these folks.

At this point, let's go and CLEAN UP every piece of art. Down south morons want to ban Huck Finn and there's no shortage of them up here. I'll remember this the next time some index ranks Canada among the "freest" countries.

On that note go get 'em boys and a big stick out of the tongue to the CBSC for even considering this:


  1. I'd rather be fighting for Dire Straits' right to be on the radio than for healthcare.

    Oh how I envy the "problems" you guys face as a nation...

  2. Actually, I think you guys OVER do your problems because you argue more, we UNDER value ours because we don't debate enough.

    We have a mountain of problems. Serious ones.

    Again size is the difference here: We're 30 million. If we were 300 with our problems we'd be closer to the Americans - with slightly more "pleases" and "thank yous."

  3. I am not sure why Bret envies your "problems". If it would cheer him up, he might want to read about this:
    Huckleberry Finn

    BTW, I was especially amused by the fact that this was in response to a complaint mad in FEBRUARY of LAST YEAR.

    And here I was under the delusion that Canada is a free country.

  4. Don't mind him. Bret keeps things interesting.

    Yes, I read and posted about Huck Finn and quite frankly I think I would prefer a comment about the subject and not a response skirting the issue.

    That's the standard argument. "Yeah, there are problems but at least we have public health!"


  5. "Yeah, there are problems but at least we have public health!"

    So does Cuba. Would Bret rather have their problems too? At least he wouldn't have to "fight" for healthcare down there, right Bret?

  6. Why does everything come down to that single issue for you, Bret? It even overrides free speech for you.

    Bret, if you had been among the colonists during the American revolution, I'm sure you would have been quite willing to trade liberty for security.

  7. I visited a pharmacy in Cuba. First one I ever saw with very little stock. Love listening to Americans talk out of their asses about how "great" public health is over there.

    Here in Canada, you don't do two things. Talk bad about hockey or bash universal health care. Do those two things and you should be good to go.

  8. Nikk J, Bret would have likely been a Tory and thus moved to Canada. He could still do the latter.

  9. Bret. A Tory? Ha!

  10. "Don't" do those two things. Fixing my previous mistake.


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