
Don Cherry On Chara Hit

I enjoy Cherry but I kinda felt he'd go this way. And I gotta say I don't entirely agree this time around. I was also surprised Ron Maclean didn't challenge him more as is sometimes the case with such issues.

I thought by showing past hits was a good thing - some were truly accidental and some not. I remember many of those. In the clip they mention the Al Iafrate one that wasn't shown. It was brutal. However, I think he failed to convey the overall point: Respect and tolerance of such hits. People are fed up with it. The more the NHL establishment defends it, the more fans will get upset.

Cherry also offered a solution - which is more than most in the media did in blind defense of the league. It goes to show how terribly run the NHL is. It has no overall safety standards.

It's an unacceptable situation and I refuse to agree the NHL "got it right." No they didn't.

Alas, I know many fans do agree with Cherry and the league.

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