
Capital Gains Shouldn't Be Taxed

No. No. No. Nooo!


Liberal myth:

Capital gains and dividends cuts only help the rich.

No, they don't. Anyone can benefit from capital gains and dividends.

To begin with, the government has no business taking that money in the first place. Why? Think of it. You pay income taxes and various other taxes. Now. What's left in your pocket, you decide to put aside some money to invest in a mutual fund - say $100 - or you decide to buy a safe stock with a high dividend yield.

That fund or stock pays you a dividend which the government then issues a T-slip you must submit to pay taxes on the dividend. And if you sell it, the government takes taxes on both. So in essence, you're taxed on three levels.

Think again. Capital gains and dividends are a way to create savings, wealth and spending for ALL CITIZENS regardless of stature and income. It's shortsighted to clip people just starting out to build their nest egg.  In fact, it's a good way for a young sharpie who plans for it to begin accumulating wealth. It's a way to get ahead. It has nothing to do with the "rich." I'm sick of that bull shit logic.

You're taking a risk to grow your money (and get back some of your taxes). The government isn't taking the risk YOU ARE. Understand? Repeat after me: It's my money and I want to keep it!

That the government takes its "cut" from a risk you took, is plain wrong to me.


My father-in-law amassed a nice nest egg before he passed away. Unfortunately, much of it was in tax sheltered investments. While they rolled over tax free to his wife, when she passes on the state will take half of all monies leaving the two children with a lot less.

Imagine that. The father works for 40 years. Is diligent and responsible and saves his money while paying income taxes on a high salary and when he dies the state grabs a huge chunk of it in the end. Imagine, the money belongs to the "greater good" and not the family that earned it.

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