
The One And Only Holocaust!

“We must tell our children about a crime unique in human history,” Obama said. “The one and only Holocaust — six million innocent people — men, women, children, babies — sent to their deaths just for being different, just for being Jewish. We tell them, our children, about the millions of Poles and Catholics and Roma and gay people and so many others who also must never be forgotten.”

Much is being made about President Obama's speech at the U.S. Holocaust Museum and his inclusion of gays. To those sufficiently informed about history this is just a fact. However, they weren't singled out to the degree the Jews were.

But that's not the point of this point. Is it me or does using the phrase "the one and only" a tad too casual for such a subject matter? He wasn't, after all, introducing Sammy Davis at a Dean Martin roast.

Poor choice of words.

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