

Quote from a commenter on Volokh about GM. The question being asked is what should be the purpose of GM?

A dumb question only leftists would ask. It's mandate is to make cars and fill demand. That's it. It owes nothing else to anybody and it certainly isn't in the business to "make jobs." Nobody goes into business for "jobs."

"Now some will argue that I present a false dichotomy. An automobile factory should do both-- make cars and employ people. But what happens when the two come into conflict?
Wrong. An automobile factory should make cars. That's all.
People who advocate "job production" have their economics completely ass backwards. We have jobs so we can produce things that satisfy human needs. We do not produce things so we can have jobs. If you aren't ultimately satisfying some sort of actual consumer demand, you are doing make-work, and your productive capacity has been wasted.
This fundamental misunderstanding underlies the entire problem with the modern Keynesian program."

I agree with this.

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