
Can The NFL Survive The Concussion Dilemma?

I don't know but it's hard to fathom that with the NFL apparently at its zenith anything could cause it to wane in popularity.

I guess it's when things are at the peak of popularity is when they're most vulnerable and begin to decline.

After all, no one would have thought baseball could ever be eclipsed but football did just that in the late 1960s.

The difference is, no sport is even close to football at the moment.

Looks like, for now, the NFL is its own enemy.

It's interesting, in light of the concussion problem, former players have actually said they would discourage their kids from playing it. Much like I sometimes from parents up here about hockey.

It'll be interesting to see where all this goes.

Will the NFL or the game of football evolve? Will helmets be removed as been suggested? What kind of rule changes, if any, will come about?


For now, the NFL rules. My Super Bowl prediction: Baltimore Ravens and San Francisco 49ers.

Two powerful defenses with functional quarterbacks. Sounds about right to me.

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