
Rand Paul Is The Crazy One; Canada's Terrorism Problem And Other News Items

It's all a ruse. An illusion of safety. Kids standing behind Obama appealing to your emotions. Oh, but we have to do something and dammit we will!

From Reason:

"...Dicker quotes a Cuomo administration official admitting, "Many of these assault-rifle owners aren’t going to register; we realize that." Which means that state officials were merely posturing rather than entirely ignorant of history when they penned the law and jammed it through. As I've written before, gun laws traditionally breed massive levels of non-compliance — even in places where you might think people have no strong history of personal arms, or of resistance to the state, When Germany imposed gun registration in 1972, the country's officials managed to get paperwork on all of 3.2 million firearms out of an estimated 17-20 million guns in civilian hands. Californians may have registered as many as ten percent of the "assault weapons" they owned when that state imposed registration in 1990 (though the New York Times put the figure rather lower, at about 7,000 out of an estimated 300,000 guns covered by the law)..."

The weird thing is they know it's a long-shot. So what's the cost? Less freedom.


The President talks about tackling the deficit. Cost of his inaugural shindig: $170 million.

A real leader committed to cost-cutting would pull a Calvin Coolidge (putting 'Cool' back into the Presidency!) and go to bed after being sworn in. Being President is not meant to be a celebrity act. It's a duty to the United States.


It's nice to see some groups hitting back at the silly soda ban in NYC.


I may have my qualms with how Quebec handles certain issues including business, but I do think the law is correct when it comes to marriage. Quebec has the right law in place governing unions and alimony.


The cold hard truth, I'm afraid, Canada is no stranger to terrorism indeed. On the heels of a CSIS employee raising concerns of a possible inside threat within the agency, a sobering article about this subject in the BBC.

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