
'Ristorante' Interdit! Vive Le Pasta Libre!

Oh, the humanity of it all. Cost to change a sign? $20 000. The damn government should pay for it if they feel it's so important to 'protect' a language.

Man. One can only shake their heads. We're so friendly to small business. Right.

Best to open this post with a reminder from the UN's Human Rights Commission who reviewed Quebec's discriminatory language laws in 1993.

It's right here for all to see in plain text.

All that time and money wasted. Sad.

Quebec rails about how 'Canada Anglais' disrespects it. Yet, it's OUR province that has a UN record violating basic rights. Not the other provinces who don't remotely come close to the draconian laws we have here.

Still, I'm encouraged by the comments; for Le Journal de Montreal anyway. The paper that employs 'hombriste' Sophie Durocher who once deplored the 'Bonjour-Hi' greeting in Montreal. Hick. Yet, she worries about Quebec's international standing? What, her rant against a friendly and humanistic 'Bonjour-Hi' doesn't? Did I mention hick?

I think the majority of Quebecers are sensible about this insanity.

Some of the comments are hilarious and tongue in cheek.

"Chianti? On écrit ca comment en francais pour faire plaisir aux carrés rouges de l UQAM?"

(How do you write this in French to pleace the red squares at UQAM?)

"Je pense qu'on devrait sortir dans la rue avec des boites de Barilla pour faire du bruit. Je suis pas mal certain qu'elle finirrait par venir dans la rue avec nous."

(I think we need to go outside in the streets with boxes of Barilla pasta to make noise.) Referencing the stupid pots and pan noise making by student protestors in which twithead Marois took part in.

Except for that history student from UQAM 'Marie-Pascale Giroux' she's out to lunch. But hey, it's UQAM. One step above high school and in love with 1917.

This one captures it all perfectly:

"pire que communiste ..c'est fascisme..
on ne defense pas une langue en interdisant une autre !!!"

(Worse than communism, it's fascism. We don't defend one language at the expense of another.)

Truer words can't be spoken.

Un jour, tout cela va se retourner contre les francophones et vous perdrez votre langue pour toujours. La plupart des gens qui vivent dans une société libre ne veulent pas qu'on leur dise ce qu'ils peuvent faire quand il s'agit de la parole. Vous pouvez le voir déjà. Les jeunes francophones apprennent à parler l'anglais et ça fait trembler les purs et durs. Vous n'avez personne à blâmer que vous-mêmes si la langue française disparaît au Québec.

Too long to translate but it's a good one.

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