
Wall St. Not Alone In Mortgage Crisis

Limited Modified Hangout follows closely the cause of the mortgage crash. A good, thick, comprehensive read. I merely post an excerpt of the the conclusion here:

...Our argument is and has been that the financial crisis would not have occurred but for government housing policy implemented principally through Fannie and Freddie and the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). Although there were a number of such policies, the most important were the affordable housing requirements first imposed on Fannie and Freddie in 1992 and expanded and tightened by HUD through 2007.

...Of particular interest are Fannie and Freddie’s non-prosecution agreements with the SEC, in which they agree with facts that confirm—and in many cases go beyond—our original research concerning the scope of the GSEs’ subprime and Alt-A exposure. These are facts, and Nocera and others who might wish it otherwise should become familiar with them.

The thing is, we call for Wall St. execs to be put in jail.

But what about politicians who had a role in it?

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