
DCF Slowly Killing Justina Pelletier

I did this point, I hold no more punches when it comes to the state and its bureaucrats and any mistreatment of citizens. 

The story of Justina Pelletier, strictly from a humanist perspective, is a moral abomination. It's a clear case of the family having no control over their own child. DCF in Massachusetts sounds like a dysfunctional and disreputable bunch of bullies (and really, look up its track record) for basically ruining and almost bankrupting a family. Man, imagine how many kids have been messed over by this department.

Apparently, they know what's best for the family.

The reason EVERYONE on the continent should watch this case unfold is because it can happen to ANYONE.

In the end, you may think you own your children but if the state sticks its fat, ugly, nose into the mix, you can end up in a lot of unnecessary trouble.

To think,  Deval Patrick is actually considering running in 2016.

Enough is enough.

Send that child back to her family.

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