
Liberals Being Liberals

The Liberal party of Canada brands itself as center and center-left claiming it's the 'natural stance of Canadians'.

Myself excluded of course. 

To me, the center tag is wrong. It's a center-left party. Possibly more left than center even.

Justin Trudeau announced today that anyone who is not pro-choice is 'not welcomed in the party.'

I never had much confidence that Trudeau is capable of abstract thought so this decision doesn't surprise me. Conformity is always a key feature of left-wing ideology. That being said, it's not uncommon to see this sort of stuff in any party in Canada including the Conservatives. Toeing the party line is very much a part of Canadian politics.

Nonetheless, it's unfortunate a party said to be so open and tolerant (we're pluralists!) and yaps on about defending and espousing 'Canadian values' (whatever the fuck that means) can be so closed minded.

I like to believe I'm a thinking man and personally, I don't see why the Liberals need to isolate Canadians on one issue. Personally, there are valid arguments on the pro-life side.

Apparently, it's 'settled' in the minds of the left. I find it, moreover, incredibly telling that you hear 'you're not welcome' as a matter of policy more from the left than you do on the right. For all their hating in Harper (and there's much to be displeased about) he's never come out (as far as I know) and said "you're not welcomed if you hold x view".  Justin is just acting like your run of the mill totalitarian progressive while using all the right jargon of being "open" and "democratic".

A dogmatic approach to politics and the issues that face us is a defunct one. Any free-thinking individual should be concerned by the latest proclamation from the Liberals.

The Liberal party of Canada, in essence, just shut people like me right out of voting for them. Trudeau - in all his progressive drama queening - gave me the middle finger.

Right back at you.

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