
The Nation Asks A Question

With an answer obvious to anyone with a brain.

"...Then too, Mario—like Andrew—did little to pry the State Senate from the Republicans’ grip. That automatically limited his ability to pass the sweeping agenda he spoke so brilliantly about. This raises a larger question: Why are progressives so easily seduced by words? Obama won our hearts because he was a great rhetorician—so great, indeed, that people only heard the parts they wanted to hear. 

They really truly believe they live on an another intellectual astral plane. Or else they wouldn't be asking it.

Not to mention the fact they still haven't come to terms with the fact Obama is not all that skilled as an orator.

The mere fact they ask it is all you need to know about his empty rhetoric.

 So why Let me help.

Maybe because progressives mostly emotionally driven useful idiots with inconsistent and hyperbolic shallow views that leave them vulnerable to demagogues? 

I don't know too many smart people who were ever swayed in any way by Obama. Actually, quite the opposite happened really.

Moreover, they're moral relativists where the only reality exists is what they perceive or construct in their own private minds. Nothing outside it matters or exists. What is outside must bend to their intentions, feelings, and if it doesn't, it's because of outside forces (take your pick which leads to the cult of the victim whining and blaming) and not their ideas or ideals as they conceive them.

Which probably explains why they keep banging forward with useless and dysfunctional one size fits all policies. It is so because of the zero-sum nature of their calculations ultimately unleashing unintended consequences. 

For example, minimum wage ostensibly good because it will help people but little thought or concern is given to the notion or possibility (ramifications) that it actually hurts the people they hope to help. All they see is wages forced up and nothing else. All will fall magically into line because.

It never occurs to them people, businesses, markets etc. adjust in ways they may not understand. Human nature, as in understanding it, is not their bag nor is it their concern. They just react to a perceived fault and move on. Do something, anything, is more than enough.

The physical world lashes out with reality but it doesn't seem to impact them because...good intentions and some other forces will be held to account for its inevitable failure. 

That's why progressives easily fall prey to vapid speech givers who come off as orators.

Here in Canada we're currently seeing this with Justin Trudeau. Passion is not necessarily intellect and when we examine what's actually being said this becomes painfully obvious to anyone who cares to keep their emotions in check.


It comes in many forms. Take the left's view on Charlie Hebdo. Freedom comes with a qualifier to them. I simply reject this position because it is wrong.

People like her. Thanks gods shes on our sides!

For people who are endowed with a profound mind it's but easy to scoff at the above link. But this is precisely their interpretation of what freedom is.


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